A Springboard Up

Every year I looked at joyous graduation photos across social media and wondered… What if I hadn’t dropped out of that degree course that I had opted for straight after school? What if I’d continued on with my degree? When I left secondary school I didn’t get my first or even my 9th choice on my CAO form, I got my 10th and it wasn’t the right fit from the first day of college. It was bound to fail.

That degree was a scratch that was always going to be itched. It has niggled at me. I priced the cost of returning to college part time and even considered finding a way to make full time studies work for our family at one point. There was never the right moment to broach the subject and the cost was prohibitive. Last November, when the graduation photos started to surface again, the itch became more irritating.

Springboard+ answered all my questions in January of 2024. Yes, even self employed people can qualify for a reduced college fee, and my previous qualifications and experience would be taken into account. For the princely sum of €600 I joined an Honours Degree in International Business (QQI Level 8). This began a fast track to finally reaching my goal that had been set over two decades ago.

Studying part time while running my own business and the family’s needs was, in a word, challenging. That word holds more depth than you can ever imagine.

I work full time from home and some days the family are the only humans I see from start to finish. College thrust me into a room with so many other people from differing cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs. It was invigorating. I don’t think I slept at all the night after my first class; my brain was firing at every level.

After eight long yet swift months I finally earned my degree.

The course gave me the confidence to apply to study a part time Masters in Climate Change – Media, Policy, and Society at DCU. In a twist of fate I am attending the college that was my number one choice on my CAO form decades ago. The road less travelled still brought me back to the longed-for destination.

Not that this means my recipes, videos or food writing will be suspended. Far from it! Food and community hold huge power when it comes to climate change. We have plenty to learn from one another and share and I hope that will continue in the the future.

You might have noticed the website has had a little refresh! I’ve been working in the background to make it faster and easier to browse. There will be plenty more recipes added to match my videos on social media.

Finally, if you’re interested in working with me, please do get in touch.